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free cycle tracker

Below you’ll find your free cycle tracker. Here’s how to use it:


The cycle days are numbered 1-30. Each cycle day has a segment for you to write in - this can be as simple as one or two words a day. When doing this, think of the four bodies - mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.


If you’re not sure which day of the cycle you’re on, that’s fine - you don’t need to wait until the start of your next bleed to begin, you can start today! When your next period begins (the first day of full flow) then you can switch to a new tracker and begin charting from day 1.


If your cycles are longer than 30 days you can continue with the customizable page.


If your cycles are irregular or you’re using hormonal birth control, then you can always tune into the moon phases. Either way, the point is to take a moment each day, ground into how you're feeling and see what words come up for you.


I recommend completing the tracker in the evening. Carve out 5 minutes for yourself to do this and before writing anything down, take at least 3 deep, intentional cycles of breath. Ground yourself into the present moment and reflect on your experience of the day. 


After 2-3 cycles you’ll start to see some patterns emerging. I’m so excited for you to begin this journey.


That’s it for now. Enjoy your tracking.

Click here for your tracker

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